
Raiseboring Civil Construction

Raisebore has had considerable involvement in civil projects in Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Portugal, Vietnam and India.

Our large fleet of raiseboring machines, combined with exhaustive inventories of consumables, provides Raisebore with the dynamic ability to ream raises from 0.66 metres up to 5.5 metres in diameter.

Our technique utilized for a variety of applications such as shafts for hydroelectric plants, underground gas storage facilities, egress and underground elevator shafts, exhausts for subway or motorway tunnels, plus many more. In fact, the Raisebore technique has a myriad of applications and they are best considered with liaison with our experienced members of our team.

Raisebore is able to value add to your civil construction project by adapting our strict, well defined safety, environmental and procedure protocols to the civil construction industry. We are able to readily identify potential problems and provide procedures for risk mitigation based on our considerable experience and expertise.

To discuss your raiseboring requirements in detail, please contact the team at RaiseBore today.

Thumb Civil Bogong Hydroelectric Power Scheme Vic Preferred Picture

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